In marketing, it isn’t very pleasant when you can’t figure out if your ads are making you money. That’s where WolfPack Advising comes in – we ensure you know if your ads are working with our Lead Tracking Center. When you work with WolfPack, you can trust that your marketing campaigns are making your business money.
Track Your Return On Investment
"Wolfpack Advising is an amazing team who has allowed the company I work for to grow and expand. Their value added through technology and service is fantastic!"
Joel Webb – Weatherstone Inspections

How It Works
With any marketing campaign, you will want to track return on investment (ROI). Tracking how much business a marketing campaign is bringing you is critical to the longevity of your campaign and business.
WolfPack Advising provides tools and services to help track where your leads are coming from and ultimately, build reports to find ROI by source.
These are the different sources of leads we can track:
- Calls
- Form Entries
- Website Chats
- Emails
- Text Messages
- Website Events
- ECommerce Purchases

Call Tracking
What Is Call Tracking?
Call Tracking is finding where calls originate from. When you partner with WolfPack Advising in any of our services, we can implement call tracking to help you identify the efficacy of your marketing efforts. As a business owner, it’s important you understand exactly how your marketing spends are affecting your bottom line and what your true cost for an inspection is. For example, our call tracking can source calls from your Google My Business, Google Searches, Paid Ad Campaigns, Social Media, and much more! Read more about call tracking below.
Call Recording
Call recording is available as well. This helps you track the performance of your office staff and provide coaching on how to better sell your services. Additionally, with recorded calls, you can listen to customer needs and the quality of leads from different marketing campaigns.
Detailed Analytics & Reporting
All of your calls are tracked and stored. Moreover, each call can be marked as a quotable (or non-quotable) lead, custom tagged, and valued based on the amount of money that client would be spending. Those custom fields are then reported in detailed analytics so you can understand which sources are driving the most qualified leads and exactly how much money you have earned from the different campaigns.
How Much Does This Cost?
Lead tracking is free, however, there are nominal fees for call tracking, text recording, and other items.

Form Tracking
What Is Form Tracking?
Form tracking functions just like call tracking. When you have forms on your website that get sent to your office, it is difficult to know where that lead originated from. With form tracking, we can understand if a form lead came from Google My Business, Google Searches, Social Media, Paid Ads, & much more!
How Does Form Tracking Work?
By inserting javascript code onto your website, we can track where a user came from to land on your website. That information is then tracked and the customer’s journey is followed until they submit a form.
Why Is This Beneficial?
Some people prefer to submit a form entry only rather than spending time on a phone call. Form tracking, coupled with call tracking, allows you to track all of your leads.