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As we have all seen, the Internet has transformed how local businesses attract and engage with customers. While traditional advertising still has its place in attracting customers for local businesses, digital platforms enable more targeted, trackable promotion. For service providers, Google’s Local Service Ads have become an invaluable tool for boosting local visibility and sales – especially with the launch of an exciting new setting called Direct Business Search taking these ads a step further.

In this article, we’ll explore how this feature gives your brand exclusive exposure and control in Google search results. Beyond that, we’ll also cover tips to fully capitalize on the innovative tool. Whether you’re new to digital advertising or want to maximize your current efforts, leveraging Direct Business Search could be an impactful next step.

Visual example of local service ads for roofing company in orlando

Local Service Ads Outlined in Search Results

The Essence of Local Service Ads

Local Service Ads have become a digital advertising essential for service-based businesses targeting local customers. These pay-per-click ads show up prominently in Google search results and Maps when potential customers search for offerings in your niche and location.

Unlike standard search ads, Local Service Ads only appear for relevant searches by nearby users actively seeking out a specific service. This contextual targeting helps businesses connect with higher-intent customers who are more likely to convert.

With easy setup directly through Google Ads, Local Service Ads make promoting your business simple and streamlined. They are invaluable for boosting local visibility and driving quality leads.

The Significance of Brand Recognition

Brand recognition plays a pivotal role in the success of Local Service Ads. When potential customers search for your specific business name, you want your brand to stand out.

This is where the new Direct Business Search setting comes into play. It gives your ads exclusive prominence and control when customers search for branded terms relating to your business.

Direct Business Search builds familiarity and trust in your brand. It ensures your business captures that critical visibility during branded searches by local customers exploring your offerings.

Direct Business Search: A Deep Dive

Now, with a bit of foundational knowledge on Local Service Ads, let’s move on to the star of the show! Direct Business Search is an innovative new addition, giving businesses control over their brand exposure in Google search results.

When enabled, your ads will appear prominently and exclusively for searches including your business name and relevant brand terms. Rather than competing with other ads, you fully own that prime ad real estate.

This helps reinforce your brand authority in the minds of nearby searchers. It also provides a more streamlined lead generation and conversion process when customers proactively seek you out by name.

Direct Business Search Advantages

There are two major perks to leveraging Direct Business Search for your business.

  • Exclusivity – Your ads will be the only ones displayed for branded queries including your business name or offerings. This eliminates advertising competition.
  • Pay-Per-Lead Pricing – With this model, you only pay when a customer engages further by clicking your ad. This is a more efficient approach than paying per click.

Together, these advantages will let you maximize visibility and conversions for your most promising traffic. That is, local searchers who specifically seek out your business!

Visual of Direct Business Search being toggled on in settings

Implementing Direct Business Search: Step-by-Step

Don’t let the technical name intimidate you – setting up Direct Business Search is a breeze. Any business owner can enable this handy feature in just a few simple clicks. Here’s how:

1) Access your Google Ads account and open your Local Services campaign.

2) Under “Campaign Settings”, toggle “Use the direct business search” to “On”.

3) Enter your official business name and relevant brand keywords that you want your ads to appear for exclusively.

4) Set your daily budget, bidding strategy, and other preferences.

5) Click “Save” and your ads will now show for searches including your branded terms, driving leads specifically seeking you out.

Voila! With just a few clicks, you can start leveraging Direct Business Search to reinforce your brand visibility and capture more quality leads from branded searches.

Optimizing Your Branded Search Strategy

Following setup, also take time to optimize how you use branded search terms overall. This helps maximize the impact of those all-important searches for your business name and offerings.

Start with a brainstorm. Make a list of all the branded terms and phrases that fit your business – anything a local customer might search to find you. This includes your name, services, products, taglines, and more. Furthermore, be specific and local. “Atlanta Pest Control” is better than just “Pest Control”. You can check competitors for ideas too!

With your list ready, focus your daily ad budget and bids on higher-value branded terms – you want to show up prominently when it matters most. Check back regularly on search volume and performance. From there, make adjustments to balance visibility and budget efficiency.

While critical, avoid putting all attention on branded terms. Mix in non-branded keywords too, to attract new audiences discovering you for the first time.

Pros and Cons of Branded Search Terms

Optimizing branded keywords offers big benefits like:

  • Helping new customers find your business by name
  • Finding new branded keyword opportunities
  • Reinforcing you as the preferred search result

Conversely, putting too narrow a focus on branded terms can also:

  • Limit exposure to new audiences
  • Leave out important keyword variations
  • Waste your budget on unimportant terms

The trick is balancing branded search optimization with attracting new audiences. Analyze the data, set targets, and continuously improve to achieve both goals.

Diagram of how retargeting ads work in relation to direct business search setting in local service ads

The Concept and Art of Retargeting Ads

Beyond search ads, retargeting ads are a powerful tool for driving conversions from your website visitors. These display ads target people who have already visited your site.

For example, if someone searches for your business but doesn’t book, retargeting ads follow them around the web to draw them back. Retargeting re-engages visitors who showed initial interest but didn’t convert right away. The ads persistently remind them to return.

Additionally, retargeting works across devices and sites: see a visitor on a desktop? You can retarget them later on mobile. This brings previously interested visitors back into your sales funnel.

The Pros of Retargeting Ads

  • Persistence – By repeatedly exposing website visitors to your ads across the internet, retargeting nurtures leads over time at different stages of their buyer journey. This persistence can help move customers closer to a purchase.
  • Customization – Retargeting ads can be customized to show specific products or offers that a visitor views on your website. This personalization makes the ads more relevant.
  • Cross-device reach – As mentioned above, retargeting allows you to target website visitors across devices. You can then retarget desktop users later when they’re back on their mobile devices, keeping your business top of mind.

Potential Drawbacks of Retargeting Ads

All of this being true, there are also a few possible pitfalls to note here:

  • Ad fatigue – If overused, the persistence of retargeting ads can annoy visitors and cause ad blindness. Keep frequency and ad variations in mind.
  • Tracking complexity – Retargeting relies on tags and tracking. While powerful, this technology can be daunting to implement for beginners. Consequently, start slow and easy.

Overall, many businesses find retargeting provides a cost-effective lift. This is especially true when coordinated with search ads. Test it out cautiously, analyze the results, and expand your efforts if the approach resonates.

Key Takeaways

In the end, Direct Business Search gives your local business exclusive visibility and control when customers search for your name.

Unlike standard Local Service Ads, Direct Business Search ensures your ads stand out prominently during critical branded searches. With quick and easy setup directly through your Google Ads account, any local service business can benefit from enabling Direct Business Search. Don’t miss out on connecting with customers proactively seeking you.

To learn more about leveraging this new setting or optimizing any part of your digital marketing strategy, schedule an online consultation with WolfPack Advising today!